
Thinking About Christmas

I am thinking more and more about my Christmas shopping list. I have no clue what to buy for anyone this year. I have a couple of gifts for a couple of people, but that's where it ends.

I have hit a wall.

Last year, I bought a fat little notebook to keep in my purse with lists of who to buy for, gift ideas, baking I want to do, what to make to take to parties we regularly go to, sizes, wrapping supplies, etc. (Believe me, I could go on and on.)

After the season was over, I re-wrote my list headings at the top of pages in the back of the book so I would have it all ready for me this year.

I haven't even jotted one thing down in it yet.

I think part of the fun of it for me is making those lists and thinking of what to put on them as I write them. Have I done myself in? Possibly.

Maybe I need to start listening to my Christmas music. I usually pop a Christmas CD in the car player on my birthday (Sept. 26th), but failed to do so this year. It has everything to do with the fact that its been in the 70's and 80's here and it just doesn't feel like Fall yet. The leaves are starting to really turn, though and they are beautiful! I plan to take some pictures soon and post them.

Back to Christmas.

Here are some general items I am thinking of buying or making with no reference to whom they may be for:

1. Birthday card sets.
2. Purses.
3. billet grilles.
4. Pajama pants.
5. Pottery.
6. Afghans.
7. Jewelry.
8. Baskets of goodies.
9. Board games.
10. Art supplies.

That is getting me more in the mood to actually fill out my lists. WHEW!

Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? Are you a last minute shopper, or do you buy all year long? How do you organize what you've bought and what you need to buy?


Rebekah said...

we have a radio station that is already playing Christmas music. They are playing 24 hrs of music calling it the 93 days of Christmas. 93 days??? Now I LOVE Christmas, but 93 days?

Mandy said...

Maybe this year would be a good year for all of us not to focus so much on the presents!