
Steven-isms #8

Steven calls Burger King "Burber King". Sometimes he'll say it with a Southern Twang and it turns into "Barhbarh Kang".


Steven calls polka dots "coca dots".


To Steven, lightning bugs are "light bugs."


One of Steven's favorite snacks is a "Gorilla Bar" (granola bar).

The kid cracks me up!


Trixie Twatwaffle said...

what's he got on his head???

Heather said...

Steven loves to dress up. This is his knight's helmet from a Halloween costume. He is always wearing some sort of hat or cape or goggles. He's cool like that. :o)

Rebekah said...

lol, love the gorilla bar

Anonymous said...

Remember Jarrett called lightning bug blinking eyes? I was just telling Madison about that when she seen lightning bugs for the first time this year.