

Have I told you all about my new BFF? No?!?! Well, let me fill you in.

She's southern. She's got a magnetic personality. She's very outspoken. She calls me nearly every day to chat- usually around supper time since she knows I'll be home.

She passes on the BEST and latest gossip. Oh, my word! It's all about this guy is doing this or that guy said that. VERY intriguing! She also lets me in on what she's planning and a new job she REALLY wants!

She never talks very long because she's a super busy working Mom. In fact, sometimes she has to have one of her "people" call me to keep me up on the absolute latest developments.

My guess is that even though her schedule is so packed and extremely crazy, it won't be long till we're sitting on my patio furniture sipping iced tea and giggling like the oldest of friends. Okay, maybe not, but if she ever met me I'm SURE she would WANT to do that.

Yup! Hill- that's what I call her anyways, but then again, we are BFF's- has been phoning me. I must admit that she's getting kind of clingy, but she must really need someone to talk to, so I listen like any BFF would do.

Reality check!

Seriously, I've never gotten this many political calls in my life! I guess I shouldn't complain since this primary season is much more civilized than the last one. Remember all of the mud-slinging and name-calling four years ago? I think the candidates this time around must have heeded the advice of one of the kids in my lunch line today, "Be mature." Plain, simple and to the point. He may be only 13 years old, but wiser words have never been spoken in a junior high lunch line... or Presidential campaign for that matter.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

You are so right, lady :-)

And if Hils shows up to sip tea on your patio furniture someday, you WILL take a photo and blog about it, yes?