
An Awesome Freebie!

Yesterday, DH came home carrying a white box and some papers. Usually all he brings in the door with him is his lunchbox and coffee mug. Once in a while, he'll bring a snack from the machine at work home for the boys and every now and then, he'll shop at his favorite store, Everything Surplus to see what kind of deals they have going on.

His work's parent company came in yesterday in an effort to promote a new program they are putting in place and gave every employee a FREE MP3 Player!!!

It took all of 10 minutes for me to figure out how to load it with songs and it promptly had Brad Paisley tunes pouring out of it. I LOVE IT!!!

I guess I should have stocked DH up on money before he left for work because quite a few of his coworkers were selling theirs for $20 a pop. They would have made AWESOME gifts at that price, but DH only had $6 on him. That'll teach me. I need to increase his allowance!


Rebekah said...

I got an iPod for Christmas and I love it

Stephanie Appleton said...

that is a great perk!