
The All-American Soap Box Derby

I have to apologize to my commentors. Yesterday, I had to reactivate word verification on my comment form. You can thank the horrible spammers with their crappy computers for that. They got me in trouble once and I'm determined to not let it happen again!

One of the big events in the Northeast Ohio area is the All-American Soap Box Derby. People from all over the U.S. compete in the hopes of qualifying for the derby in nearby Akron, Ohio. when I was in junior high, I actually competed in the local Soapbox Derby Queen Contest. I didn't win, but I did make it to the finals. I met a lot of nice girls, made some cool memories and got to ride in a few parades (commence with the elbow, elbow, wrist, wrist wave).

The race, which began when a newspaper photographer noticed few boys racing the homemade, engine-less cars down a hill in Dayton, Ohio in 1933, has become a family tradition for many of the racers who now have children and/or grandchildren who compete as well. The AASBD website has a comprehensive history of the derby. Over 170 communities in the U.S. now hold AASBD qualifying events for children ages 8-17.

You might also be interested in this video of All-American Soap Box Derby preparations from Ohio.com. There are a few related videos that follow, so feel free to sit back and watch them all with your kids! Who knows, there may be a future derby champ in your home right now.

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