

After a few phone calls today, I found out that Matthew's team won their game last night. We weren't there due to Mathew's sprained thumb and the fact that it was over an hour away, but the win means that they are in the playoffs.
I'm glad they won and that Matthew will have another opportunity to play this fall. He really wants to get back in one more game. We went this evening to get some more athletic tape to stabilize his thumb for practice and the game.
Here we were thinking the season was over. You kind of prepare mentally for all the free evenings you'll have and the weekends that were usually reserved for games being open. One more won't be a biggie. I don't look for them to go much further just because of the way their season went. Let's just say that their record is a little heavy in the right-hand column.
As the boys get older, I realize that these days go all too fast. I'm willing to let them linger just a bit longer. Before I know it, he'll be playing on Friday nights for the high school. The only thing that won't change is me cheering in the stands.

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