
My Day Lily

My day lily bloomed this year and I finally caught it with my camera. The first bloom came on a rainy day and got ruined. The second one got half eaten by a deer. At least that's what ran crashing through the woods when I was looking at it. The third time was the charm and I got this gorgeous shot. I also got one in black & white.
I got this day lily at our preschool moms' prayer group last Spring. My friend's Mom hosted us at her house and did our devotional that day. It was about spending time with God while you work in His earth. What a simple and wonderful sentiment. She sent us home with a couple of plants and this was mine.
It was such a nice surprise to see what color the flowers would be. I couldn't believe how large they were! her gift will remind me each time I see it to take that time working in my garden or landscaping or containers to just be with God and enjoy His creations. You know... to stop and smell the roses.

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