
Mini Plagues?

Monday afternoon, Matthew came home from school with a headache. I wasn't surprised because it was the first day of a week-long state testing marathon at school and the tree pollen is extremely high right now.

15 minutes later...

He was darting for the bathroom.

Yep! Stomach flu!

So I stayed home with him today and fielded/returned approximately 875 phone calls.

How is it that everyone knows when your home???

I also used the day to catch up on a few things that have needed done, but I still didn't get as much accomplished as I'd have liked to. I need to sit down and make a rainy day/nice day to do list like Stephanie did. It will surely help me stay on task a little better.

Being sick meant Matthew had to miss one day of testing which he'll have to make up and he had to miss his first baseball game of the season. I think that was rough for him. I tried to downplay it so he'd quit thinking about it.

I also woke up this morning with three zits on my chin. NOT COOL! I'll keep dabbing them with my favorite acne solutions, Estee Lauder's counter-blemish lotion, hoping they'll go away by tomorrow.

Keep your fingers crossed that all further "plagues" stay far away! :o)

PS- Come back tomorrow for another cool kids food giveaway!!!

1 comment:

Stephanie Appleton said...

Hope he is feeling better! Not a good week to be sick!